




来源:全球十大正规网赌网址    发布时间 : 2021/09/13      点击量:


主要研究低维半导体中的光学物理以及利用外场和材料合成对低维半导体物性进行调控。截至目前,以第一作者身份在Science Advances, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials, Physics Review B, Optics express 等期刊上发表了论文14篇。




2021.09- 特聘研究员,全球十大正规网赌网址

2018.07- 2021.07 博士后, 美国橡树岭国家实验室, Functional Hybrid Nanomaterials group, 美国

2017.01-2018.06 博士后, 北卡罗莱纳州立大学,材料系, 美国

2010.08-2016.12 博士, 物理学, 北卡罗莱纳州立大学,美国

2005.09-2009.07 学士, 物理学, 四川大学, 中国


(1)二维材料光学物理 (2)二维材料物性调控 (3)二维材料可控生长与光电器件





1. Yiling Yu#, Volodymyr Turkowski#, Jordan A. Hachtel, Alexander A. Puretzky, Anton V. Ievlev, Naseem U. Din, Sumner B. Harris,1 Vasudevan Iyer, Christopher M. Rouleau, Talat S. Rahman, David B. Geohegan,1 Kai Xiao, “Anomalous isotope effect on the optical bandgap in a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductor”, Science Advances, 10, eadj0758 (2024)

2. Yiling Yu*, Guoqing Li, Yan Xu, Chong Hu, Xiaoze Liu, Linyou Cao*,“Phase Diagram of High-Temperature Electron Hole Quantum Droplet in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors”, ACS Nano ,17, 16, 15474–15481,(2023)

3. Yiling Yu#, Gang Seob Jung#, Chenze Liu, Yu-Chuan Lin, Christopher M. Rouleau, Mina Yoon, Gyula Eres, Gerd Duscher, Kai Xiao, Stephan Irle, Alexander A. Puretzky, David B. Geohegan ; Strain-induced growth of twisted bilayers during the coalescence of monolayer MoS2 crystals; ACS Nano ,15, 3, 4504–4517 (2021)

4. Yiling Yu, Yifei Yu, Guoqing Li, Alexander A. Puretzky, David B. Geohegan ,Linyou Cao; Giant Enhancement of Exciton Diffusivity in Two-Dimensional Semiconductors; Science Advances. 6, eabb4823 (2020)

5. Yiling Yu#, Alexander Bataller#, Robert Younts, Yifei Yu, Guoqing Li, Alexander A. Puretzky, David B. Geohegan, Kenan Gundogdu, Linyou Cao; Room-Temperature Electron-hole Liquid in Monolayer MoS2; ACS Nano 13 (9), 10351-10358 (2019)

6. Yiling Yu, Yifei Yu, Lujun Huang, Haowei Peng, Liwei Xiong, and Linyou Cao; Giant Gating Tunability of Optical Refractive Index in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers; Nano Letters 17 (6) , 3613–3618 (2017);

7. Yiling Yu#, Yifei Yu#, Chao Xu#, Andy Barrette , Kenan Gundogdu, Linyou Cao; Fundamental limits of exciton-exciton annihilation for light emission in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers; Physical Review B: Rapid Comm., 93, 201111 (2016)

8. Yifei Yu#, Yiling Yu#, Chao Xu#, Yong-qing Cai, Liqin Su, Yong Zhang, Yong-Wei Zhang, Kenan Gundogdu, Linyou Cao;Engineering Substrate Interactions for High Luminescence Efficiency of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers; Advanced Functional Materials 26 (26), 4733-4739 (2016);

9. Yiling Yu, Yifei Yu, Yongqing Cai , Wei Li, Alper Gurarslan1, Hartwin Peelaers, David E. Aspnes , Chris G. Van de Walle , Nhan V. Nguyen, Yong-Wei Zhang , Linyou Cao; Exciton-dominated Dielectric Function of Atomically Thin MoS2 Films; Scientific Reports 5, 16996 (2015)

(* corresponding author , # equally contribution)



